Typography, Coding
Responding to ISTD's brief –celebrating the theme of 'migration'

Third Culture Kids (TCKs) are people who moved places constantly while growing up and/or have parents from different cultures. This can be an enriching experience, yet, it can leave some TCKs feeling culturally rootless.
Having a cultural identity is key for deep psychological functions of reducing anxiety and providing a sense of self. Some studies show that TCKs are prone to suffer from anxiety and depression due to constant experiencing loss and lack of belonging.

The solution was to code a website, aiming to provide belonging to 'culturally rootless' TCKs with the help of typography.

The website shares stories of other TCKs and their cultural journey, as well as explaining what TCK is and the importance of having a cultural identity.

The idea is to create a software where the person can add their cultural journey, then select a letter or character of their preference, and the software would create a unique character to represent each TCKs' unique experience.

Finally, they can share and/or download the character and use it as they find it more convenient.

Client: ISTD - TCK
Sector: Not-for-Profit
Discipline: Typography, Coding